Certificate & Badge Analytics

Track Email and Social Media Sharing Insights for Each Issued Certificate or Badge

Understanding Certificate and Badge Statistics

After you have sent out the access emails to your recipients, the statistic page of that certificate will be available.

You can find this in the Overview Section of your certificates:


Some basic information like the certificate name, the total number of recipients, and the certificate creation date can be seen in the blue box.

The Certificate/ Badge Statistics are divided into three parts. The number of recipients and the percentage of the total recipients who completed that action can be viewed in each box.

1. Claimed: This shows that the recipient has opened the email and verified themselves to be able to view/download/share their unique certificates and badges.

2. Certificates shared or downloaded: Refers to the number of recipients who have either shared or downloaded their digital credentials.

3. Added to LinkedIn profile: Refers to the number of recipients who have added their certificates to their LinkedIn profile, inside the section "Licenses and Certifications".

4. Moving on to Tracked Social Media Shares: Our software can track this data only if the certificates or badges are shared by clicking on the buttons on the Recipient View page.

In this example, with the help of the pie chart and the percentages, we can observe that more recipients are sharing certificates on LinkedIn than on Facebook or Twitter. This helps plan your marketing strategies accordingly.

Important: If the certificate or badge is first downloaded by your recipient, and later on shared as a post on their social media channel, this post will not be tracked nor added to the statistics page.

5. The Email Statistics section gives you an overview of the email statuses.

In this example,

  • We see that the emails to the recipients have been Sent.
  • Opened is when a recipient just clicks and opens the certificate email.
  • Clicked here refers to the recipient who clicked on the "Get Certificate/ Badge" link or button in the email.
  • You can also check if there are any Bounced emails. Exact emails that have bounced can be seen from the tab "Recipients".