Creating a Shared Collection

Collection of certificates that can be accessed by the trainers

Converting a Normal Collection to a Shared Collection for the Trainer Module

A shared collection is a folder that contains certificates and badges that a trainer can issue. These certificates and badges are designed and added by the admin and their team, not by the trainers.

Here’s how an Admin can convert a normal collection into a sharable version for the Trainer Module:

  1. Add Certificates to a Collection:

    • Drag and drop certificates directly from your dashboard into the collection.
  2. Edit the Collection:

    • Click on the "Edit" icon located at the top right corner of the collection.


3. Enable Sharing:
  • Scroll down and click on the circled icon to enable the collection to be shared.


4. Verify Sharing Status:

  • A green tag labeled "Shared Collection" will appear, indicating that the collection can now be shared with specific trainers.

5. Share Access with Trainers:

  • From the name preview, you can share access to this collection with your trainers.

Once the collection is shared, all certificates added to this collection will be available to the trainers who have been invited to it. This allows trainers to issue these certificates and badges as needed.
