Certificate Selection

Check out different ways to select certificates for certain training.

While setting up the new Training, it is important to select the certificates that the recipients will receive. The trainers can give them the option to choose between certificates or have it fixed.

Make sure you have certificates in a Shared Collection.

Here's how to set up Certificate Selection:

First, click on "Create Training." Click on "Add" under Certificate selection.1-Jan-17-2024-02-54-03-6344-PM

Then a drop-down appears with the shared collection names. Click on the desired collection. Another tab to the right opens, where you can select the name of the certificate you want to use for this training. If you don't select a specific certificate under a collection, the recipients will be able to choose the certificate themselves.


  • You can add a maximum of three certificates per training.
  • You can not make changes to this once the recipients are added.
