Downloading certificates and badges manually

Learn how to download your certificates manually either in a bulk or individually

If you want to check each certificate that you have send out individually or one of your recipients has problems with receiving their certificate you can simply download the certificates in question and easily solve the problem. This guide will show you how to do it in just a few simple steps.

This guide will use a certificate as an example but it works the same way for badges.

How to download certificates or badges manually

The first step is to open up the certificate or badge in question from your dashboard.

Next up you should navigate to the recipient tab with the help of the menu on the left.

Then you need to select the participants in question (you can find them easier with the help of the search option which you can find by clicking the magnifying glass in the top right). If you want to download all of the recipients at once simply check the box next to "Recipient Name".

After you selected the recipients, just click on the download symbol in the top right.

Please note: Badges follow the Open Badge Standard and can therefore only be downloaded as an image file. More information