Billing and Invoices

You can manage your billing details, change plans, and access invoices directly from your dashboard.

Change billing information

To access your billing panel, click on “Manage Billing” from your dashboard.

To make changes to your billing information (like default payment method, address, company name, and tax information), click on “Manage”

Access invoices

You can access your invoices from that same tab. Simply scroll all the way down to “Invoice History”.

Upgrade/downgrade your subscription

Changing your subscription allows you to access different features and get a different number of certificate credits.

If you are looking for new features (like Zapier access, website validation and etc.), you should upgrade your plan. If you only need more certificate credits, you can just add them to your current plan.

You can find all the different plans and features here:

To change plans, go to your billing panel, in “Subscription Overview” and chose “Change”:

You can use the blue slider to select the number of certificate credits that you need and choose the plan that you wish to have. If you don’t want to change plans, just select the same plan that you currently have.

Upgrades take place immediately, and you are charged the price difference referent to your current billing period.

Downgrades take place by the beginning of the next billing period.