Here's how you can invite trainers and add trainers to shared collections.
Once you have created a Shared Collection and added some certificates to it, you can grant the necessary Trainers access by following these quick and simple steps:
Adding a Trainer
Navigate to Users and Roles:
- Go to Account Settings.
- Click on Users and Roles.
Invite a Trainer:
- Click on Invite User.
- Ensure you have enough seats available (check the "1/XX seats occupied" section).
- Enter the trainer's details, such as name and email address.
- Assign the role "Trainer" to the user via the Role drop-down menu.
- Click Send Invitation to send the invitation email to the trainer.
Giving Access to a Shared Collection
Note: Before proceeding, ensure you have a Shared Collection. If not, refer to the previous help document on creating a shared collection.
Open the Dashboard
- Access Shared Collection Settings
- The Manage Trainer Access pop-up window will appear.
- Find the trainer you want to add to the list.
- Click Add next to the trainer's name.
- You can also search for trainers by entering their name or email address in the search field.
4. Confirm Trainer Access:
- Once the trainer is added, they will appear in the Users with access to this collection area.
- You have the option to remove trainers from this list if necessary.
By following these steps, you can efficiently manage trainer access to shared collections, ensuring that the right people have the necessary permissions to collaborate and manage training certificates.