Manually add certificates to your LinkedIn profile

A quick guide to enhance your social media appearance

If have received a new digital certificate in a PDF format, or if you would like to add older paper certificates/accomplishments to your LinkedIn profile, this is the guide for you!

First of all, you should open LinkedIn and go to your profile. Then proceed to click on the "Add profile section" button.

Click "Recommended" and then "Add licenses & certifications". This is the section where your certificates, licenses, and credentials are displayed in your LinkedIn profile.

Now fill in all of the information on your certificate. This information can usually be found directly in the PDF certificate that you have in your hands. 
If you are missing any information in your original certificate (for example, "Credential URL" or "Credential ID"), feel free to contact the issuer and ask for that information. 
Adding that information is not mandatory, but it adds legitimacy to the credential you add to your profile:

If you have received a PDF certificate created using the technology from, finding the Credential ID and the Credential URL is simple. You can just open your PDF certificate and go to the second page. There you will find the "Credential ID" in the field called "Identification Number" and the "Credential URL" in the field "Validation URL". 
The last step is to click on "save" in the LinkedIn window and your certificate will instantly be uploaded.

The "Validation URL" is the link to the unique validation page of that certificate. Once you have saved that information, the validation page of your certificate will be linked via the button "Show Credential", directly from your LinkedIn profile:

The image displayed in your LinkedIn profile should be the LinkedIn picture of the issuer of your certificate, and the name displayed in bold letters should be the name of the certificate that you received or the course that you completed.