User Roles

Invite more users to your team!

You can invite multiple users to help you manage your account. 

The exact number of additional users is defined by your plan, and you can check it in this feature list:

You can find your current users and their roles in your account settings under "Users and Roles". Here you can also invite new users and manage existing users and roles.


The account administration has unrestricted access to all features. The email used to create the account is by default the Admin. 


Editors have access to all functions except for administrative settings.
Accessible features for Editors include:

  • The integration settings
  • The collection settings
  • The certificate dashboard
  • The certificate details
  • The certificate email settings
  • The certificate design
  • The certificate statistics
  • The recipient management
These users cannot access most of the general settings like:
  • The organisation settings
  • The billing settings
  • The users and roles settings
  • The creation of new certificates


The Marketer role is designed to create and manage the campaign process of a certificate.
These users have access to all the features regarding:
  • The collection settings
  • The certificate dashboard
  • The certificate details
  • The certificate email settings
  • The certificate design
  • The certificate statistics

A Marketer is denied access to the following features:

  • The organisation settings
  • The billing settings
  • The integrations settings
  • The users and roles settings
  • The recipient management


The Designer role is specialized on the certificate design itself and has limited access to most of the other features.
Designers have permission to the following features:
  • The collection settings, except for the deleting collections
  • Viewing the certificate dashboard
  • The certificate design
These users cannot access:
  • The organisation settings
  • The billing settings
  • The integrations settings
  • The users and roles setting
  • Deleting collections
  • Update or create anything in the certificate dashboard
  • The certificate details
  • The certificate email settings
  • The certificate statistics
  • The recipient management