Adding Multiple Organisation Slugs

Organisation Slugs are part of the URL of the recipient's access page

The organisation slug is part of the URL of the Recipient View page. Customising the slug allows you to change the domain of that page, in a way that looks better for your recipients and allows them to understand the webpage's content better.

The URL of the Recipient View page follows this structure:

You can customize both the organisation and the certificate slugs!

How to add an Organisation Slug?

  1. Go to the admin dashboard. Click on "Manage Organisation."
  2. Scroll down to "Setup" and click "Manage."
  3. Now click on the "pen icon" to edit the default slug to your organisation name. Since the slug is used in an URL, no spaces are allowed.
  4. Once you've added your organisation name, don't forget to save it.4-2

And that is it! Now you can set that new slug as default, and use it in all your new certificates!

Troubleshooting Organisation Slugs

Changing the organization slugs can be tricky once it is already in use. Here are some frequently faced challenges:

  1. Unable to change the Organisation Slug from "Basic Details" tab.
  2. Unable to delete a Slug because it is being used by other certificates

1) Unable to change the Organisation Slug from "Basic Details" tab.

A solution when you are unable to edit the Organisation Slug directly.

Step 1: In the Basic Details section, scroll down to Organisation Slug. Click on "Update Slug."


Step 2: A dialogue box appears asking you to type "OK." This allows you to edit the slug. Then click "I Understand."


Step 3: Now, you can type the new Organisation Slug and "Add" it.


Step 4: Another dialogue box appears. Click the "+" sign to confirm your choice.


Step 5: You are now able to select whichever Organisation Slug is needed. Or even edit the default Slug by clicking on the "Pen Icon."9

Step 6: Make the necessary changes and "save" it.


Now you can not only add but also edit a slug.

Edit only when it is not default or when the certificate is not active.

2) Unable to delete a slug because it is being used by other certificates

When you have active certificates and you are unable to delete a slug. Then follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to "Manage Organisation." Under "Setup", click on "Manage."

You can see that you are unable to edit or delete, as the certificate is being used and a pop-up states the same.



Step 2: Go back to the active certificate. Click on "Overview." On the right side, click on "Pause."



Step 3: Go back to "Manage Organisation" < "Setup" < "Manage" < You will be able to delete or edit the Slug accordingly.