Email Status

Know if your certificate has reached the recipient.

When sending certificates, it's important to track the status of each recipient's email. This helps you ensure successful delivery and address any issues that may arise. 

From your recipient list, you can identify some different statuses for each recipient.

[Recipients Page] Desktop_Dashboard-2-1

Below the email status is explained in the order of the certificate-sending process:

  • Not Sent: You have added the recipients to the List of Recipients but haven't clicked on the Send emails button. 
  • Pending: The account does not have an active plan, the certificate is paused, or the available credits have been exhausted.
  • Sent: This indicates that the certificate has been created and the email is now on its way to the recipient.
  • Delivered: The email has reached the recipient's inbox.
  • Opened: It means that the email has been opened.
  • Clicked: The recipient has clicked on the CTA button.
  • Bounced: The email has not reached the recipient's inbox. If you have a typo error, please delete the recipient and re-add them.

Understanding these email statuses allows you to monitor the progress of your certificate deliveries and take necessary actions when needed. If you encounter any issues, reviewing the status can help you identify and resolve them efficiently.