Recipient view page

Your recipients are redirected to this page to claim their certificates. They receive their personal link to this page via email.

You can define how you want the Recipient View page to look, directly from your dashboard.

We will cover here:

  1. What is the Recipient View page?
  2. How to change the recipient view page?
  3. Troubleshooting the certificate preview on the Recipient View page.

What is the Recipient View page?

This is the first page that your recipients visit when they click on the link to claim their certificates sent via email.

This email is sent automatically to all recipients of one certificate, and you can read more about it on this page.

This is an example email that a recipient received: 

By clicking on “Get Certificate”, your recipients are redirected to the Recipient View page:

From this page, your recipients will claim their own personal certificates.

How to change the recipient view page?

You make changes to the:

  • Logo and embedded link on the navigation bar of that page;
  • Preview of the certificate;
  • Example sharing text in the preview post;
  • Organization slug and certificate slug in the URL (

All these changes can be done directly from the “Basic Details" tab. 

The sharing text is automatically the same sharing text that you implemented to the social media settings of your certificate (from tab “Campaign Setup” → “Sharing Settings”.)

Important: The logo that you add to the Recipient View page, is also the same logo that will be added to the header of your emails.

Troubleshooting the certificate preview on the Recipient View page.

You might experience the wrong preview of the background image of your certificate.

That usually happens when you make background changes to a certificate that was already online.

If you are experiencing this issue, please try the following:

  1. Clear your cache and reload the page, or
  2. Re-save the design of your certificate (from the tab “Designer”).